Thursday, August 18, 2005

Coincidence? Perhaps...

About two weeks ago, Richard asked if Hayes and I would be interested in going with him to Baltimore. He has this interview and I actually fly free with him since he does so much travel. Of course I said yes, as we have a new little niece to meet, and we made all the necessary arrangements.

Low and behold I get an e-mail from a longtime friend that she will be visiting a second longtime friend in DC this weekend. I must say here that there have been many attempts to meet in the last several years and none, I repeat none, have actually worked out. That, however, is about to change. We have scheduled a meet-up with all but one of our family members present for this very weekend. I can't believe it is actually working out! I love the way this has all fallen into place. Grace, definitely has a hand in it. So not only will we get to visit with the family, we will also get to see these people we haven't seen for ages. I can't wait!

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