Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Time To Panic

It's hard to know when to panic, at least in my world. I will say that Hayes is certainly fighting a virus of some sort. He's been a bit lethargic today, which is really unusual. When he finally decided to take a nap this afternoon, I did too. I think I mentioned that we didn't sleep real well last night.

When I woke up, I found that Hayes had moved from his sleeping bag on the couch to his bed. He wasn't really asleep, he was cold. Upon taking his temperature, I decided it was time to panic. It initially read 107 -- I've never had that happen before. I decided to panic. I gave him more motrin and took it again. It registered 105.3. This seemed less upsetting and more managable. However, this is still unacceptable. I called our friend Earlene; she's an OB nurse. We got Hayes into a bath (much to his dismay) and onto a regimen of Tylenol and Motrin (I didn't know you could do this). This got his temp down to 103. I called the Dr. on call, whose pager message said to go to the Urgent Care or call 911. Nice. I did take the time to figure out where our Urgent Care facility is, just in case.

Hayes is doing much better; at last check he was at 100.5. We haven't seen that number in at least a day. And oddly, armed with the idea that I can go to Urgent Care, not the ER, is comforting. So, I suppose I am still keeping my fingers crossed, although this time, I am not even worried about the behavior. We just have to get this little body all better.

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