Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Honeymoon Is Over

Ok, so my crush was quick-lived. I had another pilates class yesterday; this one was with 5 others who all seemed experienced, and a different instructor. There was far less emphasis on breathing and this instructor had us using weights and rings and all sorts of "enhancements." She seemed very into the effects of the excercise (the fabulous body I am actually convinced she was born with) and not so much the benefits of the workout. Later she confessed that she needed a hot workout to really feel motivated. Yeah, not feeling so much that way myself.

I will say, though, just as Mr. Udall said to his beloved waitress, Carol: You make me want to be a better woman. And for that, I am proud of myself. I forsee a long relationship with the E-word, and pilates. But you can be damn sure I'll try to stick with Corinne as my instructor. She was much more in tune with the wholeness of the workout -- not just the results.

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