Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Book Review: The Dogs of Bedlam Farm

A dear friend of mine (and fellow dog lover) lent me this book. I don't think I would have picked it up on my own, (even though the title is a huge draw for a person like me) but I have to admit I really, really enjoyed reading it.

The Dogs of Bedlam Farm is more than just a memoir, it's a journey - well, a glimpse into a journey - that we are asked to follow even for just a while. It's more than just a dog book too, which I tend to have a weakness for anyway. I have mentioned before, that dying dog books make me crazy and are right off my list. You can imagine my delight in reading the forward of this book where the author admits intentionally writing this book with an eye toward no dogs dying. Thank you Mr. Katz!

And if you have the time, you should wander over to the Bedlam Farm website. It was fun to see some actually photos of these animals I felt rather connected to through this reading. If you are a dog person, or a farm person for that matter, consider reading this book. It's well worth your time.

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