Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Xmas PJs

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I found a really great pattern for some slouchy bucket hats and I love them! I made two with some left over yarn I had. I'm thinking they will either be showing up on Etsy or stuffed in the gift larder for some Christmas cheer. Although this autumnal one does match my poncho perfectly....
Monday, September 28, 2009
Among The More Ridiculous...
MIDDLEVILLE, Mich. (WZZM) - A West Michigan woman says the state is threatening her with fines and possibly jail time for babysitting her neighbors' children.
Lisa Snyder of Middleville says her neighborhood school bus stop is right in front of her home. It arrives after her neighbors need to be at work, so she watches three of their children for 15-40 minutes until the bus comes.
The Department of Human Services received a complaint that Snyder was operating an illegal child care home. DHS contacted Snyder and told her to get licensed, stop watching her neighbors' kids, or face the consequences.
"It's ridiculous." says Snyder. "We are friends helping friends!" She added that she accepts no money for babysitting.
Mindy Rose, who leaves her 5-year-old with Snyder, agrees. "She's a friend... I trust her."
State Representative Brian Calley is drafting legislation that would exempt people who agree to care for non-dependent children from daycare rules as long as they're not engaged in a business.
"We have babysitting police running around this state violating people, threatening to put them in jail or fine them $1,000 for helping their neighbor (that) is truly outrageous" says Rep. Calley.
A DHS spokesperson would not comment on the specifics of the case but says they have no choice but to comply with state law, which is designed to protect Michigan children.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I have, actually, been busy this week...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Scrap Happy

Friday, September 18, 2009
Canning May Not Be What It Used To Be...
Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am so in love with the new Fox show Glee. I can't get enough! I am actually a little sad that I discovered it in real time - and not a season or two later when I could gorge myself on an entire season at once. If you haven't seen it yet, you really must. Hulu is my savior, as I can only record so many shows at once on the DVR (yes, I realize what this sounds like).
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Farmers Market
I am in love with our local Farm Market. It happens every Friday night (which seems like an inconvenient time, but has really worked well once school started) rain or shine. Last Friday I found the most beautiful produce on a most beautiful day.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Etsy Extravaganza!
Ok, if you haven't actually wandered over to my Etsy shop, you really, really should. I'm having the biggest sale EVER over there and these gorgeous handmade books are ripe for the picking! They would be perfect stocking stuffers (don't tell me you haven't started your Holiday shopping yet; I know some of you are almost done). Or they could be the most thoughtful little baby gift, or wedding gift, or shower gift the recipient has ever received.
Monday, September 14, 2009
My Feet

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Queen of the Cubits
Friday, September 11, 2009
Change Is Good

I love it that something so small makes such a big difference for me. And inspires me to get some more of those ever-increasing photos into a book! Here are a few more I've done. I'm so ready for fall!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
So as I looked around my cluttered studio to figure out how to fix the "locker bottom" problem, inspiration hit me. Instead of using materials I didn't have (boards I'd have to cut myself) I decided to use chipboard that was laying around and covered it with scrapbook paper for an instant rust guard. I love it. I also found some great locker shelfs over at Ah, just about finished with this locker project.
(Don't worry, I have many others on the back burners.)
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Our Newest Toy
Dad found our first one at a garage sale. And then we liked it so much, he got another one!
I am in love with kayaking. I had no idea how peaceful and meditative taking the kayak out would be. It’s perfect. It’s exactly what I thought we were getting with the canoe. But alas, I am not able to navigate the canoe on my own. I really like to be on the lake alone. It gives me time to think and reflect; something that can be hard to come by in my everyday life.
And the kids seem to love it just as much as I do. All three of them have been enjoying the lake in a whole new way this summer.
It’s fun to watch them grow up and experience the lake. I have such fond memories of doing the same thing at their age. And there have been others who have enjoyed the kayaks too:
Looks like we’ll be enjoying our new toys for a long, long time.
Monday, September 07, 2009
High Sentiment
We’ve spent the most wonderful Labor Day weekend at the lake. There has been a great deal of gathering and laughter and eating and drinking and general merry-making. It’s exactly the sort of weekend I love to have at the lake, the sort of thing I dream about that gets me through the dead of winter.
The most gorgeous moon rose right over the lake as my husband, my father, and I sat watching the last of the campfire burn, resting in the comfort of family and the knowledge that this night, and so many more just like it, would last longer than any of us sitting there could imagine.
We sat in the dark watching the stars come out, dreaming about the future, talking about how delightful our lives were to be there at that moment, how our family wanted to keep coming to the lake for many years to come and simply enjoying one another’s company. The bugs were held at bay. The light was perfect. The wine was heady. The lake was still. The conversation was sentimental. The fire was smoldering. I was in heaven.
The lake is still my sanctuary, as it has always been. It fills me up to have nights like this.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Gentle Ben

I just finished reading one of the best YA novels ever. Seriously. It ranks right up there with Where The Red Fern Grows, Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry, and Leroy And The Old Man. YA is young adult fiction -- for those of you out there who don't have a YA author for a sister. (Love you, Jodes.)
Friday, September 04, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Blessed Pickles
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
And so it goes. I'll be sure to take photos of the lockers once they are stocked. I see a trip to in my near future. Those lockers are prime real estate. I'll need to use every cubit of space.